R Blogdown Setup in GitHub (2)

An updated tutorial to set up a blogdown blog Install Blogdown Install Hugo ./From RStudio ./From other sources Git & GitHub repos RStudio and blogdown setup Customising paths and styles Modify config.toml file Custom css Custom javascript MathJax Site build with blogdown Deploying the site Updating the local git repository Pushing to GitHub Add R code A new post in blogdown Deploying the site with the new post This .

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Introduction There are several ways to mine tables and other content from a pdf, using R. After a lot of trial & error, here’s how I managed to extract global exam results from an international, massive, yearly examination, the EDAIC. This is my first use case of “pdf mining” with R, and also a fairly simple one. However, more complex and very fine examples of this can be found elsewhere, using both pdftools and tabulizer packages.

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R Blogdown Setup in GitHub

The blogdown R package Finally, -after 24h of failed attempts-, I could get my favourite Hugo theme up and running with R Studio and Blogdown. After exploring some alternatives, like Shirin’s (with Jekyll), and Amber Thomas advice (which involved Git skills beyond my basic abilities), I was able to install Yihui’s hugo-lithium-theme in a new repository. However, I wanted to explore other blog templates, hosted in GiHub, like:

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Anesthesiologist, MD, postdoc. Utter Rstats geek

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
